Java Programming Language

For Beginners

Golang for Java Developers


IntelliJ IDEA


  1. Core Java, Volume I and II; Horstmann

  2. OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide; Sierra & Bates

  3. Effective Java; Bloch

  4. Java Concurrency in Practice; Goetz

  5. Spring Boot in Action; Walls

  6. The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride; Mancuso

  7. Java Performance - The Definitive Guide - Scott Oaks

  8. Design Patterns; Gang of Four

  9. Head First, Design Patterns; Sierra, Robson, Bates & Freeman

  10. Clean Code; Martin

  11. The Pragmatic Programmer; Hunt

  12. Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne

  13. Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen

Package scope, hexagonal architecture, DDD, CQRS

  1. (PL) Keep IT clean: mid-sized building blocks and hexagonal architecture

  2. (ENG) Keep IT clean: mid-sized building blocks and hexagonal architecture

Java inside Docker

With Java 11 should be ok now. "The Java JVM until now doesn’t didn’t provide support to understand that it‘s was running inside a container and that it has some resources like those that are memory and CPU restricted. Because of that, you can’t couldn’t let the JVM ergonomics take the decision by itself regarding the maximum heap size."

Last updated

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